Specialists in Companion Animal Neurology (SCAN)
For Veterinarians
At Specialists in Companion Animal Neurology, same day appointments are always available for urgent cases.
Our neurologists are more than happy to assist you with challenging cases; please feel free to contact us via phone or email anytime. However, if the need to refer arises, we are here 24/7/365 to support you with collaborative care. Our neurologists are always on call for urgent diagnostics and/or procedures. If you’d like to discuss a case before sending to one of our hospitals, or would just like to share feedback, please call us anytime.
Your patient requires advanced diagnostic or neurologic/neurosurgical procedure that is offered by our hospital
To obtain assistance in understanding a laboratory or radiographic abnormality
To obtain assistance with making a diagnosis or to confirm patient diagnosis
A neutral second opinion on your patient’s condition is sought
The outcomes of the current treatments are not as expected